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Tentative Planning (MTB)

If you have a pretty much definate plan for a ride then this is not the place for you. You should be creating a ride meeting entry instead, which will appear in the calendar, etc.

This forum is for talking over tentative plans, asking opinions on rides, etc.

Tanya's picture

Canberra Weekend

I brought this up a few months ago now and Bernd was planning to get something organised. Wondering if people are still keen and want to get a weekend sorted out on the calendar.

So who is interested and let's start talking about when, where exactly (Majura, Sparrow Hill, Stromlo, others?) and where to stay.

I'm so keen I just can't wait anymore. If you want to check out what rides there are in the area CORC has a great site with all the local rides.

Post your interest and suggestions!

christine's picture

Easter Social Ride

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When I joined NobMob Justin used to organise beginners/social/newbies/lurkers rides at Terrey Hills
Since he hasn't posted one for AGES I was wondering if any newbies/lurkers/beginners or other people feeling social fancied doing a ride one day over the Easter weekend? Starting about 8.30 from the shops...any day is fine by me
If you haven't been out with us yet but have joined it's a good time to get out and meet some people...gotta do it sometime...!!!
If you do come make sure you have water and a breakfast bar - anything else I am sure the others will suggest!!

Alex's picture

easter ride yellowmundi good fri morning, mooney mooney creek easter sat arvo

anyone keen on doing a big ride on easter weekend? im thinking good fri and/or easter sat?-

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