Warringah's Open Spaces

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 18 April 2008

Here's some good news... I have been invited to join a focus group discussion on recreation by Warringah council. Seems this will be happening sometime in May.

The invite says:

We would like to invite you to be involved in the discussion on recreation in Warringah's open spaces, parks and reserves.

Council has begun the development of a Recreation Strategy to provide a clear vision and direction regarding the future provision, planning and management of recreation facilities and opportunities here in Warringah.

As part of the process we are undertaking market research and consultation to explore existing provision, usage and future needs, including community and user group surveys, stakeholder interviews and focus group discussions.

We would like to have an open discussion with the community about the current recreational issues and future needs in Warringah.

Sweet! Smiling

Of course I will be explaining what a wonderful sport and all round recreational activity mountain biking is, and how it's good for people and the environment and how there are many thousands of riders willing to help make council lands usable for all.

Any other suggestions?

jedijunglesnow's picture

That is the best news I've heard this whole grey and muddy week.

Oxford Falls no-go signs, a fairwell email from Nicole at Manly Dam, northern beaches trail riding was looking grim, suddenly a light at the end of the tunnel...

Carlgroover's picture

Your correct when you say all round recreational activity, I think the public's perception of MTBing is one of crazy young males tearing down hills with a death wish, but the sport is enjoyed by many older guys like me, children like my sons and many women/girls like we have on this site.
I guess you would also point out that the fitness and interest in cycling started by riding MTB then transfers to riders commuting and doing other errands by bike, rather than by car. Much more commuting would happen if there was more effort in making provision for cyclists to ride safely.
Congratulations to everyone, we got noticed.

Andy Bloot's picture

You're flying the flag all over the place, Rob
Well done
You going to the 2020 summit?

Paul's picture

Well done Rob, I can't think of anyone I would rather have represent us.

Caro's picture

not even Stuart???? Eye-wink

Nice one Rob!!

Rob's picture

To keep you all updated, I just spoke to these guys. They are a little busy but hopefully the date of meeting will be decided real soon now.

Rob's picture

This meeting will take place on June 3:

To contribute to the planning process, Warringah Council would like to invite you to attend a community focus group on Recreation on Warringah's Open Space and Recreation buildings and facilities.

The purpose of the focus group is to hear your opinions, and understand any issues you may have with the current provision of recreation in Warringah.


Feedback from the focus group will assist us to clarify the full range of community needs and help us to set future priorities for the planning and management of recreation facilities and opportunities in Warringah.


Noel's picture

Although they would have their own local studies, I'm sure some of these stats apply:

"Mountain Bike Australia membership has increased by almost 400% over the last 5 years. Only 5 – 10% of mountain bike owners actually belong to an organised group or club.20 NSW has the largest proportion of Mountain Bike Australia memberships with over 1,500 members from NSW. Mountain biking has traditionally been undertaken predominantly by males21 however there has been an increase in female participation in cycling over the last five years22 that is likely to correspond to increasing demand in mountain biking for women. With the advancements in technology and rider skill there is an increased demand for more challenging trails to test rider skill and deter construction of trails in inappropriate locations."

You can refer to that Hornsby Draft Unstructured Management Plan thing i sent you for more quotes.

If they say they experience overload on trails you could explain that maybe they could recommend other councils provide more dedicated trails to relieve the load. NP's should be pressuring councils to provide these facilities with a view to conserving the NP's.

Rob's picture

Brief summary of how it all went down here:


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