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Ourimbah State Forest - This weekend

LadyToast's picture

By LadyToast - Posted on 26 August 2008

With lots of people away this weekend, is anyone keen for a few laps of Ourimbah State Forest, perhaps Saturday?

evan's picture

I like your thinking.


Rob's picture

Was looking for something fun and not too taxing (read: that won't destroy legs the weekend before Mogo) and Ourimbah does sound like the ticket. So I'd be keen. Smiling

LadyToast's picture

Can you guys to Sunday? Just worked out that would be better for me, about 10ish for a few laps and perhaps a social explorer to some uncharted trails?

Rob's picture

Sure... any day is good. I was actually considering a GNR fun ride, but Ourimbah is good too so either way. What about anyone else?

ar_junkie's picture

Ride on your Crosser in the Blue-ies on Sunday?

LadyToast's picture

OK, going to post now for Sunday, 10pm.

Alysum's picture

that must be fun doing Ourimbah at night Laughing out loud has anyone actually ever done this before? Or are the gates closed...


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