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Jason English - Hardtail in the rocks

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 30 April 2009

Just stumbled across this set of pictures on Jason English's blog. You can bet he was going a fiar speed - pretty impressive riding on a hardtail!

Is this part of the Stromlo course?


leximack's picture

i think this was a XC race of some sort (aussie champs or something) at Stromlo.
Looks at tad technical for a xc course though.
But these are the pros, so i guess most would be upto the challenge


GAZZA's picture

used in the world cup too. mucho techno!

Lenny_GTA's picture

I think it is great to see sections like that in XC racing (well for higher level races anyway). I don't think that a lot of race courses at the moment reward people enough for great bike handling skills.

That section obviously requires a pretty high skill level and wouldn't be out of place on a DH track.

ja_har's picture

more XC / enduro tracks that help reward bike skills would be really nice. Feel there is a recent tendency for some XC tracks to feel more like a road ride that get your tyres a bit dirty.

pikey's picture

I want to see 250mm diameter logs, rocks and other challenging stuff on the tracks of XC races as a balancer to the road riding ring in's.

I am tired of being over taken on the up hills by the fit non technical dudes only to barrel past them on the downhill’s.

Could we please see "mountain bike" races returned to those bred on the mountain and not dumbed down so as to appease the soft c%#@s.

Or give the organizers cool race times.

Won’t happen!


alchemist's picture

It's a section of track that was built for the World Cup & Champs, it's probably not as bad as it looks but it does look very bad. I think the B-line which goes around to the right (out of shot) is probably harder to ride but lacks the fear factor. It comes just after a leg busting climb then a very tight techy rock section, so by the time you get there you are well and truly buggered (at least I am) and heart rate through the roof which adds even more to the scariness.

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