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Tentative Planning (MTB)

If you have a pretty much definate plan for a ride then this is not the place for you. You should be creating a ride meeting entry instead, which will appear in the calendar, etc.

This forum is for talking over tentative plans, asking opinions on rides, etc.

Jonathan's picture

Midweek riding

Hello whos free for some midweek riding, maybe cascades during the week, weather is supposed to be really good.

PINBALL's picture

menai madness at the crack of dawn or maybe a bit after on sat 16

keen to have an early morning play on soom techy stuff , any takers

marhleet's picture

getting the exercise.

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where to go to get the constant grind of some fun exercise without the constant interruption of slight rises ?

Manly Dam would be a real hoot apart from
the lip up just past the school
the grind up the road
the step up to the rock
the step up the semi-impossible rock with the frowned on b-trail to the right
heart break hill
back to the parking lot, another lap >? bah lets watch tv

me, i'd like lots of firetrail like western commission track, a bit up a bit down, sort of Andersons/Oaks WITHOUT Bedford Ck and the Glenbrook down/up

Little-Ditty's picture


Gretings all,

I did a ride out at Ourimbah today and the topic of conversation eventually turned to the Awaba XC trail. A trail that I have never ridden before. And one that looks fantastic and well worth the trip. Laughing out loud

Are there any other riders out there keen for an explore around Awaba? I would guess this will be in a few weeks time as my next week or two is full. What is it, a 10km lap? Maybe fit in 3 or 4 laps?

Cheers. Cool

garyinoz's picture

Ourimbah (or Appin) Sunday 17th

I'll be free of oversees guests soon so looking to go a bit further afield than the Dam, anybody fancy Ourimbah on the 17th, thinking around 9am? I see I just missed an Appin ride which is a shame.

jacojoco's picture

Ourimbah early Wednesday

I am thinking about going up to Ourimbah early Wednesday (be there by ~6:30am) morning for my 1st ride up there. Happy for others to show interest or provide tips as it looks a little confusing for a 1st timer. If there is interest I will post. Hopefully weather starts improving. Where is this sun that keeps getting advertised?

PINBALL's picture

menai madness on muddy sunday

thinking of a hooning around sundy arvo on the dh an fr areas 3ish, any takers

Rob's picture

NYD Ride?

Is anyone up for a new years day ride tomorrow (afternoon)? Eye-wink

simon morris's picture

Beginner's ride advice

I want to take my 11 year-old son on a mountain bike ride in the Sydney or Blue Mountains area. What would be the best route for a beginner?

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