You are hereLane Cove National Park update for 20 Nov

Lane Cove National Park update for 20 Nov

jp's picture

By jp - Posted on 20 November 2013

Amber/Some Issues

There are plenty of shallow puddles and there's a fair bit of runoff water flowing across the trail here and there, but plenty of dry sections too. Hardly any mud between DeBurgh's bridge and Pennant Hills Park. I didn't ride up Devlin's Creek towards Epping, but I imagine there's a bit of mud up that way. Creek crossings are all flowing but not too deep, quite refreshing to ride through them at speed on my commute this morning.

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Lach's picture

... rode up there this morning and there is plenty of water along the track. Some extra scouring of some of the sniggle sections at the top end adds a bit of extra difficulty to the little step-ups / drop-offs.

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