You are hereManly Dam update for 11 May

Manly Dam update for 11 May

Pants's picture

By Pants - Posted on 11 May 2015

Manly Dam

Still officially closed as of today.

Walked around the track and cleared out a few puddles and cleared branches and some trees off the track.

Only one large tree is left blocking the track - on the fast descent bit where the heavily eroded steps are towards the end of the track. Too big for me to cut!

Overall though the track itself is pretty good. I have seen it much wetter than it currently is and it being 'open' by the council. Shoudln't be long before they open it.

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Slowpup's picture

I suppose it depends where you start.....

Is the tree down at the descent to the Hydro Lab?

Pants's picture

Behind southern cross way, before nyrang avenue.

Needs a chainsaw or a patient person with a saw

jedijunglesnow's picture

Must have just come down; definitely wasn't there on Saturday.

Narralakes's picture

open on the council webpage

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